A catalogue of South Asian Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries


MS Chandra Shum Shere d.459(3)

Sanskrit, Chandra Shum Shere Collection


Summary of Contents: A paper manuscript of the Tattvasamāsasūtravṛtti.
Unknown. , Tattvasamāsasūtravṛtti
Rubric: [1v1] śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ || śrīkapilamunaye namaḥ ||
Incipit: [1v1] pañcaviṃśatitatveṣu
Explicit: [17v9] ślokaśatatrayaṃ |
Final rubric: [17v9] || iti śrītatvasamā
[17v10]sākhyasūtravṛttiḥ samāptāḥ || ❀ ||
Explicit: [17v10] śubham_ || atha tatpūrvakaṃ trividhamānaṃ pūrvavaccheṣavat sāmānyato dṛṣṭañ ca | 5 | pūrvaṃ kāraṇaṃ ... dravyatvānumānam | trividham anumānam ... liṅgipūrvakaṃ || sāmānyatas tu ... anumānāt || trividham anumānam ... tridaṇḍam iti

atha tatpūrvakaṃ [ = Nyāyasūtravṛtti, p. 21, 12-15]; trividham anumānam [= Sāṃkhyakārikā 5]; sāmānyatas tu [= Sāṃkhyakārikā 6]; trividham anumānam [Gautamabhāṣya, p. 5, 20-p. 6, 4]

Final rubric: [18r10] iti śrīsā[sic]khyatatvasamāsasaṃpūrṇam ||
Colophon: [18r11] śubham astu || saṃvat || 1935 || mī° phā° su° | 12 | vu° | śrīsarvadevāya namaḥ ||
Language(s): Sanskrit.

Physical Description

Form: pothī
Support: Paper (Folios 1 and 18 yellowed).

27.5 × 12 cm.

Extent: 18 ff.
Foliation: Devanāgarī numerals, top left margin, verso.
Foliation: Devanāgarī numerals, bottom right margin, verso.
Foliation: Arabic numerals, top right margin, recto.


Complete, in good condition.


9 lines per page.

Double marginal frame lines in black ink, filled with red ink. Double daṇḍas marked in red.

On folio 1r, in a box drawn in red and black, in the same hand: || atha sāṃkhyatattvasāraṃ samāraṃbhaḥ ||.

On folio 18v, in a box drawn in red and black, in the main hand: || iti śrīsāṃkhyatatvasamāsasamāptaḥ ||.


Devanāgarī in black ink. Scribe: probably the same scribe as CUL MS Add.1709 and related manuscripts.


On f. 1, below the title, in a modern hand: sāṃkhyatatvasamāsasūtravṛtti. 18 and graṃtha 300, followed by a small circle in red ink.


  • titlesRunning title (sāṃ° ta° sa°), top left margin, above folio number, verso.
  • invocationsRunning invocation (rāma°), bottom right margin, above folio number, verso.


Cardboard cover, library binding.


Origin: 1935 Vikrama / Wednesday, 5 March 1879.

Provenance and Acquisition

Donated by Shum Shere, Chandra Mahārāja Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana in 1909.


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    Descriptions of the manuscript

    manuscripthttp://zotero.org/users/5493666/items/KU4TYAUH Index Catalogue of MSS. Chandra Shum Shere by T. Gambier Parry. Revised and Completed by E. H. Johnston [unpublished handlist] T.Gambier Parry; E. H.Johnston Oxford

Funding of Cataloguing

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation