A catalogue of South Asian Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries


MS Chandra Shum Shere d.457(1).2

Sanskrit, Chandra Shum Shere Collection


Summary of Contents: A paper manuscript of Vācaspati Miśra's Tattvavaiśāradī, a commentary on Patañjali's Pātañjalayogaśāstra. The manuscript consists only of the second part of MS Chandra Shum Shere d.457(1), while the first half up to folio 42 in the Library's foliation contains a different work.
Vācaspati Miśra , Tattvavaiśāradī
Incipit: [108r1] m asti kṛṣṇaḥ
Explicit: (section) [121v] ātmabhāvabhāvanāyā prāgvyā
Incipit: (section) [124r1] t kṣaṇapracaya
Explicit: [126r] citir asau || 1 ||
Final rubric: [126r] iti vācaspatimiśraviracitāyāṃ pātaṃjalabhāṣyavyākhyāyāṃ kaivalyapādaś caturthaḥ ||
Colophon: [126r] || śubham astu || rāma
Language(s): Sanskrit.

Physical Description

Form: pothī
Support: Paper.

11 × 27 cm.

Extent: 17 ff.


Incomplete, in good condition; extant folios 108-121,125, 124, 126; loss of text between ff. 121 and 124; loss of akṣaras due to faded ink on ff. 108v, 125v, 126.


Commentary layout: pratīka.

9 lines per page.


Devanāgarī in black ink.


On folio 126v, in a later hand: iti yogabhāṣyamiśrakṛtasaṃ° patra 126.


  • correctionsOccasional marginal corrections in the same hand


Cardboard cover, library binding.


Origin: 19th century.

Provenance and Acquisition

Donated by Shum Shere, Chandra Mahārāja Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana in 1909.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card, for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Libraries' Admissions Office.


    Descriptions of the manuscript

    manuscripthttp://zotero.org/users/5493666/items/KU4TYAUH Index Catalogue of MSS. Chandra Shum Shere by T. Gambier Parry. Revised and Completed by E. H. Johnston [unpublished handlist] T.Gambier Parry; E. H.Johnston Oxford

Funding of Cataloguing

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation