A catalogue of South Asian Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries


MS Chandra Shum Shere c.197(4).1

Sanskrit, Chandra Shum Shere Collection


Summary of Contents: An incomplete paper manuscript of Mathurānātha's Rahasya, a subcommentary on Jayadeva Pakṣadhara Miśra's Tattvacintāmaṇyāloka, in its turn a commentary on Gaṅgeśa's Tattvacintāmaṇi. Śabda. The recto of the first folio is blank. It is bound together with other fragmentary manuscripts under a single shelfmark, however it is most likely a separate manuscript. It corresponds to 209-215 in the Bodleian Library foliation.
Mathurānātha , Rahasya
Rubric: [1v1] śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ
Incipit: [1v1] kuṃcitādharapuṭena pūrayan vaṃśikāṃ pracaladaṃgulipaktiḥ[sic] mohayannakhilavā(ma)locanāḥ pātu kopi navanīradacha[sic] śrīmatā madhurānāthatarkavāgīśadhīmatā śabdamaṇiparichedāloko vyākhyāyate matā[sic] | 2 | nirvighnaprārispita[sic] graṃthasamāptikānayā[sic] kṛ(taṃ) bhagavatastutirūpaṃ maṃgalaṃ śiṣyaśikṣāyai ādau nibadhnāti na jāna iti
Explicit: [7v14] pakṣatāvacchedakatveneti itarabhedānumāne pakṣatāvachedakatvenety arthaḥ tasya tadviśeṣyakatatprakāraka
Language(s): Sanskrit.

Physical Description

Form: pothī
Support: Paper.

8.5 × 29 cm.

Extent: 7 ff.


Incomplete, damaged; only seven folios extant.


12 lines per page.


Devanāgarī in black ink.

Additions: On 1r, in the middle in black ink written by a different hand: śabdamā[-1-]paricchedālokavyākhyā, followed by the number 29 in Devanāgarī added in blue ink; on the same folio, on the left margin in blue ink: 217 in Devanāgarī numerals and 2733 in Arabic numerals.


Cardboard cover, library binding.


Origin: 18th-19th century.

Provenance and Acquisition

Donated by Shum Shere, Chandra Mahārāja Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana in 1909.


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    Descriptions of the manuscript

    manuscripthttp://zotero.org/users/5493666/items/KU4TYAUH Index Catalogue of MSS. Chandra Shum Shere by T. Gambier Parry. Revised and Completed by E. H. Johnston [unpublished handlist] T.Gambier Parry; E. H.Johnston Oxford

Funding of Cataloguing

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation