MS Chandra Shum Shere c.197(3)
Sanskrit, Chandra Shum Shere Collection
Summary of Contents: An incomplete paper manuscript of Dinakara's Dinakārī, a commentary on Viśvanātha Nyāyasiddhānta Pañcānana's Bhāṣāpariccheda.
, Rubric: [1v1] śrīmanmahāgaṇapataye namaḥ |
Incipit: [1v1] lakṣmīpāda
Explicit: (section) [25v] caturviṃśa
Language(s): Sanskrit.
Physical Description
Form: pothī
Support: Paper, several folios dyed pink on verso.
8.5 × 30 cm.
Extent: 25 ff.
Foliation: Devanāgarī numerals, top-left margin under the running marginal title and mid-right margin, verso.
Foliation: Arabic numerals, top right margin, recto.
Incomplete, in good condition. Extant folios: 1-25.
Commentary layout: pratīkas highlighted in red powder.
7 lines per page.
Devanāgarī in black ink.
Additions: On folio 1r, in a later hand in Nāgarī: muktāvalī gūḍhārthaprakāśa° and under it mahādeva; added by the same hand in English: by; in a modern hand: madhura 26 muktāvalī ṭī madhurānātha 26; on the right margin, the Āśutoṣa inventory number 4348 both in Devanāgarī as well as Arabic numerals in blue ink.
- titleAbbreviated marginal title, top-right margin, verso (mu° ṭī°).
Cardboard cover, library binding.
Origin: 18th-19th century.
Provenance and Acquisition
Donated by Shum Shere, Chandra Mahārāja Chandra Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana in 1909.
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Descriptions of the manuscript
manuscript Index Catalogue of MSS. Chandra Shum Shere by T. Gambier Parry. Revised and Completed by E. H. Johnston [unpublished handlist] ; OxfordFunding of Cataloguing
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation