MS. Ind. Inst. Sansk. 2
MSS. Ind. Inst. Sansk.
Summary of Contents: A splendid illuminated copy of Pālakāpya's Gajaśāstra, written on Western paper between 1874 and 1878. The text ends abruptly on folio 256; the remaining pages have only pictures.
, Gajaśāstra Language(s): Sanskrit.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: Western paper.
50.2 × 31.8 cm.
Extent: 337 ff.
Complete, in good condition.
Devanāgarī in black ink.
The manuscript has wonderful pictures showing all kinds of elephants: depictions of mythological elephants are followed by scenes of elephants engaged in various real-life activities.
Origin: Between 1874 and 1878 CE.
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased in 1878.
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Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Descriptions of the manuscript
A Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prākrit mss. in the Indian Institute Library, Oxford, Keith, Arthur Berriedale (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1903, no. 151, p. 83-84)Funding of Cataloguing
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation