MS. A. Walker 145
MSS. A. Walker
NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.
Commentary on Bṛhatsaṃhitā, 18th cent.?
Language(s): Sanskrit.
Physical Description
Form: pothī
Support: Paper
Extent: ii + 187 + ii. The original foliation counts 396, ff. 130, 131 being one leaf only.
Dimensions (binding): 29.2 × 17.8 cm.
Devanāgarī in black ink.
Origin: 18th cent.?
Provenance and Acquisition
Record Sources
Summary description abbreviated from the following sources:
Keith, Appendix to Vol. I, no. 777, 778, p. 97
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Printed descriptions:
Arthur Berriedale Keith, Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bodleian Library: Appendix to Vol. I (Oxford, 1909), no. 777, 778, p. 97
Theodor Aufrecht, Codices Sanscriticos complectens, vol. 1. (Oxford, 1864), no. 777, 778, p. 330